Societies and Clubs

É«ÖÐÉ«ÊÓƵ’s School is justifiably proud of the range of societies and activities offered in the one hundred minute lunch break.

In addition to the huge range of sports teams and music opportunities, there are a large number of societies/clubs and other activities at É«ÖÐÉ«ÊÓƵ’s School and É«ÖÐÉ«ÊÓƵ’s Juniors for a pupil to take part in.

É«ÖÐÉ«ÊÓƵ’s School

The approach is carefully structured with each Fourth Form pupil taking part in Monday Activities, with a mix of sporting and cultural pursuits. The pupils can learn new sports such as Rackets or Fives, they can try rowing, debating or learn to play games such as Bridge or Go.

In the Fifth Form, pupils take part in the Fifth Form Societies programme and attend at least one Society meeting a week. These societies range from Pottery to Artificial Intelligence, from Geography Society to Mandarin, from Junior Forensics to Classical studies. Pupils can even be part of the É«ÖÐÉ«ÊÓƵ’s answer to Formula 1, the Greenpower 24 team.

Many of these Societies are run with the help of the Lower Eighth (Year 12) pupils and it is expected that these pupils will take a leadership role; planning and giving talks, organising speakers and promoting those talks.

All of the Faculties (Arts, Science, Maths, Humanities and English) support a number of Senior Societies for the older pupils. These include societies like Bio-Med Soc, Isiah Berlin (Philosophy), Euro-Soc and the History Society. These often feature outside speakers and build on and enhance the learning from the timetabled lessons.

There are several weeks set aside to celebrate certain major events in the calendar. Recently we have marked 100 years since the end of WWI, celebrated International Women’s Week, started a number of initiatives for Earth Day and held a number of events to mark Black History Month. There is also a week set aside at the end of the Summer term to encourage the pupils’ creative skills.

É«ÖÐÉ«ÊÓƵ’s Juniors

As you would expect, our regular extra-curricular activities include sport, art, music and drama, but there are also more unusual clubs and societies that cater for a wide range of interests across the age range.

In sport alone there are dozens of clubs, catering for all abilities, ranging from football to water polo. We have an orchestra, three choirs and numerous ensembles for those who enjoy music. Further clubs include Art, Chess, Classics, Coding, Debating, Engineering, French board games, Green Team (allotment and environmental), History, Lego, Politics, Science, and Youth Theatre. The initiative, interest and enthusiasm of both pupils and staff are such that new clubs and societies are always bubbling up.

Clubs - Age 7 - 13

We offer a wealth of activity and challenge for our pupils alongside the curriculum, as well as within it.

Societies - Age 13 - 18

É«ÖÐÉ«ÊÓƵ’s School is justifiably proud of the range of activities offered in the one hundred minute lunch break.